from The Book of Odes

translation by Michael Farman

野 有 死 麕

野 有 死 麕
百 茅 包 之
有 女 懷 春
吉 士 誘 之

林 有 樸 樕
野 有 死 鹿
百 茅 純 束
有 女 如 玉

舒 而 脫 脫 兮
無 感 我 帨 兮
無 使 尨 也 吠

猗 嗟

猗 嗟 昌 兮
頎 而 長 兮
抑 若 揚 兮
美 目 揚 兮
巧 趨 蹌 兮
射 則 臧 兮

猗 嗟 名 兮
美 目 清 兮
儀 既 成 兮
終 日 射 侯
不 出 正 兮
展 我 甥 兮

猗 嗟 孌 兮
清 揚 婉 兮
舞 則 選 兮
射 則 貫 兮
四 矢 反 兮
以 禦 亂 兮

汾 沮 洳

彼 汾 沮 洳
言 采 其 莫
彼 其 之 子
美 無 度
美 無 度
殊 異 乎 公 路

彼 汾 一 方
言 采 其 桑
彼 其 之 子
美 如 英
美 如 英
殊 異 乎 公 行

彼 汾 一 曲
言 采 其 藚
彼 其 之 子
美 如 玉
美 如 玉
殊 異 乎 公 族

湛 露

湛 湛 露 斯
匪 陽 不 晞
厭 厭 夜 飲
不 醉 無 歸

湛 湛 露 斯
在 彼 豐 草
厭 厭 夜 飲
在 宗 載 考

湛 湛 露 斯
在 彼 杞 棘
顯 允 君 子
莫 不 令 德

其 實 其 椅
其 實 離 離
豈 弟 君 子
莫 不 令 儀

菀 柳

有 菀 者 柳
不 尚 息 焉
上 帝 甚 蹈
無 自 暱 焉
俾 予 靖 之
後 予 極 焉

有 菀 者 柳
不 尚 愒 焉
上 帝 甚 蹈
無 自 瘵 焉
俾 予 靖 之
後 予 邁 焉

有 鳥 高 飛
亦 傅 于 天
彼 人 之 心
于 何 其 臻
曷 予靖 之
居 以 凶 矜

In the Wild Woods

A dead doe in the wild woods—
cover her with rushes.
A girl with spring emotions;
a lucky fellow luring her
into the bushes.

A dead deer in the forest—
bundle him in rushes.
That lovely young maiden
whispers and blushes:

steady, steady
don’t undo my wrapping,
and kindly stop the dog from yapping!


See this handsome man and sigh!
He’s tall and narrow,
full of grace;
with flashing eye,
leads every race;
with bow and arrow, such an ace!

See this famous man and sigh!
His clear eyes shine;
what perfect manners!
All day long his aim is fine,
ahead of all the winners; why,
I’d welcome him as kin of mine!

See this awesome man and sigh!
A vision of true splendor!
His footwork is immaculate;
with high precision,
arrow foursome accurate,
unanimous decision:
he’ll be our best defender!

The River Fen.

By fenlands of the river Fen,
there to pluck the sorrel leaf,
I chanced on someone there
beautiful beyond belief,
beautiful beyond compare;
along this road,
a sight that’s rare.

By the river Fen there lies a bower
where mulberry leaves are gathered;
I chanced on someone there
delightful as a flower,
delightful as a flower;
when walking out,
a sight that’s rare.

At the great bend in the river Fen
plantains grow; I gathered them
and chanced on someone there
lovely as a precious gem,
lovely as a precious gem,
among these folk,
a sight that’s rare.

Heavy Dew.

Heavy, heavy dew;
dried at last by morning sun.
We’re celebrating through the night;
which of us leaves sober? None!

Heavy, heavy dew
heavy on abundant grass.
We’re celebrating through the night;
while shades of honored ancients pass.

Heavy, heavy dew
on thorn and willow trees.
What splendid men are gathered here!
There’s none so virtuous as these!

From plum and from iigiri tree:
abundant fruits for sharing.
These men are my true brothers,
each one a man of noble bearing!

The Ample Willow.

The willow tree gives ample shelter
but better not to rest beneath.
Our sovereign lord has feet that shuffle,
I must not yield to his caprice.
Appeasing him would not be skilful;
demands on me would soon increase.

The willow tree gives ample shelter -
but better not to seek its cover.
Our sovereign lord has feet that shuffle,
I must not step too close and suffer.
Appeasing him would not be helpful;
his dance would have me tripping over.

Ambitious birds, when soaring high,
may well aspire to touch the sky.
That man’s mind is hard to fathom

who knows where his thoughts may fly?
Why should I abase myself
and suffer misery to live his lie?